Tuesday, November 29, 2005

writing to keep myself in coffee and cigarettes

had a talk with a friend of mine, last week and i swear, i did not know about it, until then that outsourcing has been here in the philippines since the late 80s in one form or another.... ataya.

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a friend of mine got me into this NDS thing, which is a copywriting thing that you send online and get paid for through your bank account. it's actually something interesting because all you have to do is write a 250-word article about anything; they'll email you the topic and the keywords, and all you have to do is come up with a workable draft and send it back to them. you get a several pesos for it, i think.

i haven't really started on it yet --- still settling into a groove with both my fiancee and my own workshifts, so there. the trick there, the lady behind the NDS wrote, is writing as many as you can in, say, a week, to make it worth your time in coffee and cigarettes. i used to do that. occasionally, i'd help out a friends who were having trouble with their thesis papers, for a pack and a brew. not bad for an afternoon's worth of hanging out and reading through some very interesting theories on optimization, engineering theory and application, reading comprehension and statistical data on local newspaper writing.

so, instead of lolling about in the mid-afternoon sun drinking coffee and doing nothing, i guess i could give this NDS a try.

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